Little Yorkie Julie Feeling Warm and Cozy Inside a Lunchbox

Little Yorkie Julie Feeling Warm and Cozy Inside a Lunchbox

It sure feels great in here. I will never go back to sleeping in a teacup again ever. Every dog deserves a soft and comfy bed. We always want them to feel safe and relaxed whenever they are idle or in slumber. But who would have thought that a thermal lunchbag could...
Misa Minnie Does a Good Job at the Carwash

Misa Minnie Does a Good Job at the Carwash

Want Your Yorkie Featured on Our Site? We love yorkies and we love featuring them on our site! So, if you want your yorkshire terrier to be featured on our gallery, please send us an email with your pictures to: Want Your Yorkie Featured...
See Little Yorkie Rilo and His Pet Human

See Little Yorkie Rilo and His Pet Human

It’s the sweetest thing that could ever happen between a human and a Yorkie. Little yorkie Rilo loves humans. He treats his human like family and not like a pet. He showers his human with love, care, and so much attention. Without a shadow of doubt, MAN TRULY IS...