Giving Dobby the Teacup Yorkie a Bath
Check out this cute vlog video by SajandEm which features Dobby the yorkie who clearly doesn’t like baths! But, luckily his loving parents help ease his fears by making it quick and feeding him treats!

Is a Yorkie-Poo Dog Right For You?
Is having a Yorkie-Poo like being with a roommate with boundary issues? Watch the video to find out!

Cute Yorkie is Excited by Robotic Fishing Lure
Looking for a way to keep your yorkie entertained for hours? This robotic fishing lure might just do the trick!

Real or Not? Yorkie Can Sing Happy Birthday
Want a fun way to say ‘Happy Birthday’ to that yorkie loving person in your life? If so, check out this fun video featuring a real life yorkie singing Happy Birthday!