Adorable Yorkshire Terrier Sings a Song!!!
An adorable singing Yorkshire Terrier will surely make your day! 😀

Yorkie Sees Snow For The First Time. His Reaction is Totally Unexpected!
Upon seeing how cold it is to play outside, this adorable Yorkie quickly ran back to the living room. You can’t help but totally laugh at his hilarious reaction.

Brave Yorkshire Terrier Gets an Award for Saving Her Owner’s Life Twice in Just 1 day
Prepare to be blown away by the story of this amazing Yorkshire Terrier that “saved owner’s life” TWICE in just one day. When Yorkie owner Judith Shaw, 60, was about to be get bitten by a loose dog, her amazing Yorkshire, Mae Elizabeth, stepped in front of her owner...

Is a Male or Female Yorkie Right for You? Busting the Myths
After deciding to bring a new puppy into the household generally the next question is male or female. Common misconceptions and other people’s well-meant advice might have you feeling confused or overwhelmed about this decision but with the proper knowledge you can...