Is This the Best Trained Yorkie Ever?
With over 2 million views on YouTube, this little Yorkie is probably one of the best trained dogs on the planet!

Max the Yorkie Tucks in His Baby Human Brother!
This little Yorkie is tucking in his baby human in the most adorable way!

Yorkies Just Wanna Have Fun… On a Floating Raft!
Check out these three adorable yorkies just floating on a raft in a pool. …and just to note, no yorkies were harmed during the filming of this Instagram video. They’re floating on a raft, in a swimming pool and their human mom is nearby! We’re also sure they got treats at the end! 😉

Yorkie Shag-a-delic Fun!
Set to the Barry White classic ‘Can’t Get Enough of Your Love,’ this Instagram video needs no words to explain it’s awesomeness!