Want Your Yorkie Featured on Our Site?

We love yorkies and we love featuring them on our site!
So, if you want your yorkshire terrier to be featured on our gallery, please send us an email with your pictures to: hello@mylittleyorkieworld.com
[fts_instagram instagram_id=5329452632 access_token=5329452632.da06fb6.7caf7f6c6caa4e5bb754a17247bdb5e2 pics_count=6 type=user width=100% profile_wrap=no super_gallery=yes columns=3 force_columns=no space_between_photos=1px icon_size=65px hide_date_likes_comments=no]

Want Your Yorkie Featured on Our Site?

We love yorkies and we love featuring them on our site!
So, if you want your yorkshire terrier to be featured on our gallery, please send us an email with your pictures to: hello@mylittleyorkieworld.com
[fts_instagram instagram_id=5329452632 access_token=5329452632.da06fb6.7caf7f6c6caa4e5bb754a17247bdb5e2 pics_count=6 type=user width=100% profile_wrap=no super_gallery=yes columns=3 force_columns=no space_between_photos=1px icon_size=65px hide_date_likes_comments=no]

Here’s a cute video of  Beverly, who was only a puppy at the time of this video getting to try out her new puppy boots to protect her feet in the snow.  Unfortunately, she didn’t really take to them.  She’s a superstar, though, and she kept them on for at least a few minutes! 😛  Have you ever bought your yorkie snow boots?  Did they like it? 🙂

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/686800?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="640" height="483" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

