- Cousin It from The Addams Family – This a great costume for a Yorkie sporting a long coat, just add sunglasses and a hat (or bow if you want a more feminine look). Cousin It can also pair with any other family member for a solo, couple, or group costume.

- Chewbacca from Star Wars – Throw on a little belt and your little Yorkie becomes a fierce warrior! Especially great if you’re looking to break out your best Han Solo.
- Ewok from Star Wars – Talk about upping the cute factor – all that’s needed is a little brown hood! An Ewok might be considered an especially fitting costume since, as a small yet fierce and loyal creature, they could be said to have much in common with the Yorkshire Terrier’s past ratter days.
- Rapunzel – This costume is a nice play on the silky hair Yorkies are known for. Can be as simple as a little tiara or dressed up with a princess gown. Simply pick your favorite version of this fairy tale as your reference.

- Toto from Wizard of Oz – An easy costume to pair with Dorothy, if that’s what you’re interested in being this year. Find a cute, old-timey looking basket for carrying around your pooch.
- Cowardly Lion from Wizard of Oz – This costume can be as simple as a fluffy collar and you can pair with any member of the Wizard of Oz party, from Dorothy or the Scarecrow to the entire troupe.
- Chia pet – This is a fun and simple costume. Glue fake greenery on the back of a harness. Take it up a notch by adding brown socks to mimic the clay pots. Socks – or additional brown cloth around the legs – aren’t needed since the Yorkie already sports a brown coat, but it can help add extra dimension and achieve more of that Chia pet clay color.
- Prim and Proper English attire –Victorian-inspired English clothing is a great costume idea as homage to the Yorkie’s heritage. It isn’t difficult to make a Yorkie look awfully dapper in a little tweed jacket, trousers or skirt, and a neck tie. For formal attire dress in a Victorian-inspired suit or ball gown.

- Shower Loofah – Has anyone ever made fun of your little dog? Said they look more like a mop or a loofah than a “real dog.” Well, here’s a nice rip on those little dog jokes that includes everyone in the laughs! All you need is a bit of tulle and elastic (properly sized for your little one) or a harness. Bunch up the tulle and tie it onto the elastic bands or harness until you’ve achieved a good consistency and fluffiness. Go a step further by adding a bath toy like a rubber duck.
- And lastly, if you want a super quick costume just pop on a simple bow or hat – since these little guys are so cute they can get all the treats without any tricks!
